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Book Professor


In A Small Town

In a Small Town - Marc A. DiGiacomo What was the author's purpose or purposes in writing this book? On the one hand, I think he wanted to show readers the ins and outs of an investigation especially one in a small town. On the other hand, I think the author wanted to stress the fact that police officers receive very little credit for what they do.

If your book was a mystery, tell what the mystery was and how it was solved. The mystery was who fired the shot that wounded Matt Longo. The quest for this mystery shooter takes readers back to discover more about Matt Longo's past and they are actually able to his pain at opening up.

What would you change in the book? There were numerous editing errors and although these do not distract you from the overall story, the formatting was a little difficult to adjust to and the changes between first and third person were not easy to keep up with.

Disclosure - As a Quality Reads Book Club member, I received a free copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours in exchange for my honest review.